Student & Parent Handbooks

Student & Parent Handbooks

High School Student & Parent Handbook

The above Keystone Oaks High School Student & Parent Handbook will provide you with general information regarding District procedures and guidelines about a variety of topics of interest to High School parents and their children. Parents are encouraged to thoroughly review the document and mark or print sections of importance, such as Emergency School Closing Procedures.

Keystone Oaks High School's Student Code of Conduct can be found as a part of its Student & Parent Handbook and is designed to help teach young people how to behave responsibly. Just as students must learn academic skills, they must also acquire the requisite knowledge that will enable them to become responsible citizens. That means that they must learn the key attributes of ethical behavior including courage, compassion, integrity, justice, truth, reason, fairness, respect and honesty.

A positive school climate is characterized by quality teaching by instructors and effective learning by students. This requires a safe environment for all who work in and attend the schools along with an emphasis on citizenship and adherence to rules applied equitably and fairly to all in the KO community. We believe that parents/guardians are essential partners in the educational process and are equally and must be properly involved and accountable for the achievement and behavior of their children.

The secondary school disciplinary program makes provision for the school and home to intervene in
inappropriate student behavior as soon as possible. This early intervention permits the school to
call this conduct to the attention of the student and the parent or guardian, giving parents/guardians and school personnel and the opportunity to closely work together.

The codes of conduct are designed to set high expectations for student behavior in support of learning. The codes include graduated sanctions for unacceptable and inappropriate behaviors as they increase in frequency, severity and/or duration.

The district's guidelines were designed to promote consistency of behavioral expectations and of consequences for unacceptable behavior. Please review your child(ren)'s student/parent handbook to familiarize yourself and family with the stated behavioral expectations and the possible consequences of inappropriate behaviors. High behavioral expectations also apply when students ride the bus, are on school grounds before and after school, and participate in extra-curricular activities.

Some of the guiding principles of the Keystone Oaks Student Code of Conduct include:
  • Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship are essential to the well being of individuals and society.
  • All individuals have intrinsic value.
  • Every individual can contribute something of worth to society.
  • Individuals are responsible and accountable for their choices and decisions.
  • In order to grow and thrive, individuals need caring relationships and a nurturing environment.
  • Supportive family relationships are the foundation of the community.
  • High expectations lead to higher performance which, in turn, empowers the individual and strengthens society. 
  • Continuous learning is a lifelong process that is essential to a productive and enriched life.
The Keystone Oaks School District is recognized throughout Pennsylvania for its innovative programming, student accomplishments and professional staff. The district’s success is due to its commitment to excellence in academics.
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