Health & School Nurse

Health & School Nurse

Health & School Nurse

The school health program is designed to promote student wellness so each child can obtain maximum benefit from their educational experience. School health personnel provide screenings, assessment, first-aid, referrals, follow-up, and other services to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all children.

Each school is staffed with school health personnel on a daily basis. Certified school nurses and health aides work in collaboration with parents, students and educators in supporting a healthy environment that is conducive to learning.

Hours & Staff

High School
Melinda Connolly, RN, MSN, Certified School Nurse
[email protected] 
Phone: 412-571-6047
Fax: 412-571-6044

Middle School
Gabrielle Martin
Phone: 412-571-6073
Fax: 412-571-6092

Aiken Elementary
Beth Brandy, RN, Certified School Nurse
Phone: 412-571-6243
Fax: 412-571-6164

Kathy Pietropaulo (Tuesday/Wednesday)
[email protected]

Dormont Elementary
Jennifer Reinard
[email protected]
Phone: 412-571-6150
Fax: 412-571-6151

Kathy Pietropaulo (Monday)

Myrtle Elementary
Heather Hardy, RN, Certified School Nurse
Phone: 412-571-6072
Fax: 412-571-6051

Kathy Pietropualo (Friday)

Physical & Dental Examinations

Physical examinations are required of all students entering Kindergarten or first grade, in sixth grade and in eleventh grade. These grades were chosen because they represent critical periods of growth and development in a student's life.
Dental examinations are required of all students entering Kindergarten or first grade, in third grade and in seventh grade.
We recommend that physical and dental examinations be done by your family health care provider or dentist, since he/she knows your student and your student's health history.

The Physical Exam Form should be returned to the school nurse and must be dated within one year of the beginning of school. Dental Examination forms should be completed and returned to the school nurse by the beginning of the school year.

If a private doctor or dentist is unavailable, the school offers physical examinations during the school year. A notice will be sent home with the pertinent information.
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