The Music Department at Keystone Oaks is committed to providing high quality instruction in both Instrumental and Vocal Music.
Music Department Mission Statement
The Keystone Oaks School District Music Department's mission is to provide a comprehensive music education to all students that fosters every student’s musical and creative ability and creates a foundation for lifelong music involvement.
Music Department Vision Statement
To provide each student with a life-long love, appreciation, and understanding of quality music and music-making, while promoting self-discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills for the 21st Century.
Music Department Course Offerings
- Elementary Level
- Elementary Music - Grades K through 5
- Band - Grades 4 and 5
- Orchestra - Grades 4 and 5
- Secondary Level
- General Music - Grades 6 through 8
- Orchestra - Grades 6 through 12
- Chorus - Grades 6 through 12
- Concert/Symphonic Band - Grades 6 through 12
- Jazz Band - Grades 9-12
- Music For You - Grades 9-12
- Music For Film and Stage 9-12
- Music Theory I 9-12