Buildings, Grounds & Transportation

Buildings, Grounds & Transportation

Bus Garage Information

For transportation inquiries after regular office hours, please contact Matthews Bus Garage at 412-341-8288. You may also try the following extensions at Matthews Bus Garage: 
  • 412-341-8288 x. 103
  • 412-341-8288 x. 104
  • 412-341-8288 x. 105
If no one is available via the phone numbers above, please call 724-470-5163. 

If Matthews is unable to provide assistance, they will contact the Supervisor of Buildings, Grounds & Transportation and/or the building principal. 

Parkway West Bus Information

On days when Keystone Oaks High School DOES NOT have classes and Parkway West CTC IS IN SESSION, students will be transported as per the bus passes sent home with the following change:
Bus Number 7 or 8 - AM. Morning Parkway students will be taken to their stops when returning from Parkway classes.

On days when Keystone Oaks High School HAS classes and Parkway West CTC is CLOSED, the schedule below will be in place. On days when Keystone Oaks has a two hour delay and Parkway West does not, students DO NOT attend Parkway classes.

Dormont students are to walk to school. Green Tree and Castle Shannon students will be transported by bus 7 or 8 as follows: 
10:15              Poplar/Chestnut
10:18              Columbia/Lindenwood
10:20              Killarney/ Londonderry
10:22              Killarney/Wabash
10:25              6th/ Home
10:27              6th/Broadway
10:28              Broadway/ Martha 
10:31.             McRoberts/Highland Villa                     
10:32              McRoberts/Magnolia
10:35              Grove/Groveton
10:37              Library/Saxonwald
10:40              McRoberts/Castle
10:42              Blossom Hill/Middleboro
10:45              Shady Run/Rebecca
10:47              Willow/James
10:48             Greenridge/Hastie
10:50             Vermont/O'Brien
10:51             Baldwin/Willow
10:52             Hoodridge/Baldwin
10:55              Mt. LebanonBlvd/Cooke

10:15              Spreading Oak/Black Oak
10:22              McMonagle/Greentree
10:24              Greentree/Forest
10:25              Greentree/ Potomac
10:27             Greentree/ Orchard
10:32              Poplar/Churchill
10:37              School/Reed
10:38              School/Veri
10:40              132 Parkedge
10:41              Parkedge/Penfield
10:43              Poplar/ Rhodes
10:44              Dale/W Manilla
10:46              1021 Glencoe
10:50             Glencoe/Perity
10:55             Hayson Ave/Allender Ave

11:04              Arrive – KOHS
This schedule may be revised. Therefore, please check with the bus driver for any revisions.

In the event of an emergency closure at Keystone Oaks, students will be transported to Parkway West CTC, with the following bus stop change: The stop at the High School Tennis Court will be moved to Hillsdale/Espy. 

Transportation Information

Transportation details and bus passes are typically made available in PowerSchool in early to mid August prior to the start of school. Please keep in mind that due to ever-changing traffic conditions, it is impossible to maintain an exact time schedule. Students, therefore, should be at their assigned bus stop at least ten minutes prior to the time designated on the bus pass. Students must board and leave the bus only at their assigned stop. The districts strives to communicate bus delays of 15 minutes or longer. 
Parents and students should be aware that the Board of School Directors has approved the use of video cameras on Keystone Oaks School District buses. The cameras are used to document driver and passenger behavior in order to provide a safe environment for both the driver and the passengers. The Keystone Oaks School District will use video cameras on the buses. 

Please be aware of the following rules of conduct for all bus passengers as adopted by the Keystone Oaks School District Board of School Directors: 
Bus Conduct:
Proper behavior on a school bus is essential for the safety of all passengers. To assure the safety of all passengers, the Board has adopted this policy statement for Rules of Conduct:
  • Following the CDC order, universal masking will be required while on District transportation to and from school, sports, and activities. This includes all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status. 
  • Each student shall be seated immediately upon entering the bus.
  • No student shall stand or move from place to place during the trip. Students must keep their feet out of the aisle once seated.
  • Loud, boisterous, profane language, or indecent conduct, shall not be tolerated.
  • Smoking is prohibited on the bus. 
  • No items of any kind shall be thrown in or from the bus.
  • The bus driver has the same authority over a student, as does a teacher in the classroom.
  • Students must board and leave the bus only at their assigned stop.
  • Bus passes will be issued to all students and must be shown to the driver or school personnel upon request.
  • Vandalism to the bus will not be tolerated 
Violations of the above rules will be handled as outlined below:
FIRST OFFENSE: A warning will be given to the student. The principal will consult with the student and notify the parent. The principal will work with the driver to assign the student a seat on the bus for the remainder of the semester.
SECOND OFFENSE: Transportation privileges will be suspended for a specific period, or the student will be suspended from school. A parent conference will be held.
THIRD OFFENSE: Transportation privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the semester, or the student will be suspended from school. A conference will be held with parents to discuss the conduct of a student.
SERIOUS OFFENSE: (includes smoking and vandalism) Offenses of a serious nature that affect the health or safety of bus occupants or damage to the bus, will result in suspension from school even though the offense is a first infraction of the rules. Parents/guardians of students guilty of vandalizing a bus will be responsible for the cost of repairs to the bus.

The policies and rules listed above have been established for a safe and efficient bus transportation program. It is essential that you understand the rules and that your child understands and obeys them. These rules will be strictly enforced. 

Activity Buses

Keystone Oaks offers two after-school activity buses for students who participate in various activities, athletics and educational programs. 
The 5 p.m. activity bus begins on the first day of school and runs Monday through Thursday throughout the school year. The 4 p.m. activity bus begins after Labor Day and runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the school year. 
The activity buses run from the High School/Middle School complex to Castle Shannon, Dormont and Green Tree. The list of stops is as follows:
293 Woodridge
325 Noblestown
Aiken Elementary
356 Mansfield
Poplar/West Manilla
Glencoe/West Manilla

Glen Shannon/Kerry Hill
Middleboro/Blossom Hill
Shady Run/Rebecca
Mt. Lebanon/Cooke
Sleepy Hollow/Columbia
Sleepy Hollow/Bus Garage
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