High School Daily Schedule
Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Student Arrival: 7:45 a.m.
Student Dismissal: 2:36 p.m.
High School Office Phone
412-571-6000, Option #1
High School Principal
High School Assistant Principal
Mr. Ryan Brown
Attendance Secretary
Ms. Sabrina Amman
Mrs. Melinda Connolly
Athletic Director
Mr. Mark Elphinstone
Student Services Department
Jennifer Tom
School Counselor, Last names A-Ha
Lauryn Greggs
School Counselor, Last names He-O
Phone: 412-571-6090
Nicole Varrenti
School Counselor, Last names P-Z
Phone: 412-571-6068
Melissa Benincasa
Mental Health Therapist
Kevin Prince
School Psychologist
Ms. Kelsey Marucci
Guidance Secretary
Phone: 412-571-6245
Location - The main high school office is located on the ground floor of the high school building, near Central Administration. Upon entering the main office is located immediately to the right.