State Assessments

State Assessments

State Assessments in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania state assessment system is comprised of assessments and the reporting associated with the results of those assessments. The assessments include:

  • The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)
  • The Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA)
  • The Keystone Exams (end-of-course). 
Assessment dates will be posted on the District's calendar. 

The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) includes assessments in English, Language Arts and Mathematics, which are taken by students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Students in grades 4 and 8 are administered the Science PSSA. Frequently Asked Questions regarding the PSSA are available on the District's website

English/Language Arts PSSA Grades 3-8
The English/Language PSSA is aligned to PA Core Standards. Students are assessed on their ability to comprehend and evaluate complex texts across a range of fiction and non-fiction selections. Likewise, they are asked to produce writing to address tasks, audience, purpose, and perspective. Additional skills assessed include those related to the craft and structure of language and vocabulary acquisition and usage.
Math PSSA Grades 3-8
The Math PSSA is aligned to the PA Core Standards in Math K-12. The Math PSSA assesses the ability of students to understand and solve complex and novel mathematical problems. Students are asked to apply mathematical knowledge to analyze model situations and relationships using appropriate tools to make decisions, solve problems, and draw conclusions. PSSA Math assessment categories include Numbers/Operations, Algebraic Concepts, Geometry, and Data Analysis/Probability

Science PSSA Grades 4 & 8
The Science PSSA include items that are aligned to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science, Technology, Environment and Ecology. Science assessment categories encompass: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Earth and Space Sciences

The Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA) is the statewide alternate assessment designed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in Grades 3-8. Specifically, it is intended for those who are unable to participate meaningfully in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA), even with accommodations.

Keystone Exams
The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to evaluate proficiency in academic content. Beginning with the class of 2022-2023, students must demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams to graduate or fulfill one of the other pathways provided to graduate. Students will be offered multiple opportunities to take the Keystones throughout their high school career. Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Keystone Exams are available on the District's website

Cell Phone Policy for PSSA & Keystone Exams
In an era of cell phones, smartphones and other electronic devices which can easily photograph and instantly share photographs, confidential and secure test materials can easily be compromised. Not only is it expensive to replace a compromised test item, the material contained int he PSSA and Keystone Exams is copyrighted property of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Copying or duplicating the material from the assessment, including the taking of a photograph of secure assessment material, is a violation of the federal Copyright Act. Penalties for violations of the Copyright Act may include the cost of replacing the compromised test item(s) or fines of no less than $750 up to $30,000 for a single violation. 

In order to ensure reliable test results and to avoid the cost of replacing test items, the Department of Education requires schools to set rules and take certain steps to protect test materials. Electronic devices such as but not limited to cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, E-readers, Nooks, Kindles, iPods, tablets, camera-ready devices, and any other electronic device which can be sued to photograph or duplicate test materials, access the internet and/or communicate with others during the administration of the PSSA or Keystone Exams are not permitted in any testing site. Please speak with your child and let your child know that the possession and/or use of a call phone or other electronic device during the administration of the PSSA or Keystone Exams will result in consequences. 

You will be contacted by the school if your child is discovered using and/or having a cell phone or other unapproved electronic device during the administration of the PSSA or Keystone Exams. Students who ignore this directive will be subject to the school's discipline policy and the Department of Education's requirement that the student's test will not be scored and the student will be required to retake the entire exam. The electronic device will be held by school staff, and the device's stored photographs and other functions will be examined with your permission. You may request to be present when the electronic device is examined. If a photograph of the PSSA or Keystone Exam is discovered or if permission to search other functions of the electronic device is refused, the device will be held by the school staff. The Pennsylvania Department of Education holds the copyright to all material contained within the PSSA and Keystone Exams. The Pennsylvania Department of Education will be contact and further action may be taken. 

If, after testing is complete and test materials have been returned, it is discovered that a student used and/or had a cell phone or other unapproved electronic device during the administration of the test, the school's discipline policy will be followed and the student's test will not be scored. 
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