About Myrtle Elementary

About Myrtle Elementary

Meet Mrs. Lauren Baughman

Lauren Baughman

Mrs. Baughman joined the Keystone Oaks School District in October 2022 as the principal of Myrtle Avenue Elementary School. 

Prior to joining the Keystone Oaks Administrative Team, Mrs. Baughman worked as the elementary principal at Carnegie Elementary School in the Carlynton School District. In that role, she has facilitated many partnerships with outside organizations for the benefit of the students. She also implemented a School Wide Positive Behavior Support Program and designed and implemented an Enrichment/Intervention period using the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). 


Mrs. Baughman has also served as an elementary principal in the Steel Valley School District, Fort Cherry School District, and East Stroudsburg Area School District. Prior to her administrative experience, Mrs. Baughman was an elementary teacher and middle school teacher, as well as a remedial reading teacher. 

About Myrtle Avenue Elementary

School Overview:
The Keystone Oaks School District is located three miles south of Pittsburgh comprised of the communities of Castle Shannon, Dormont, and Green Tree. Myrtle Avenue Elementary, in Castle Shannon, has a grade configuration of K-5 with an enrollment of approximately 330 students. Myrtle Elementary has recently been recognized as one of the top 5% of Title 1 Schools in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  

Myrtle Avenue Elementary offers a diverse and comprehensive curriculum that meets the needs of its students in all aspects of their social and educational development. The school’s core areas of study include Language Arts, Math, Science, and notable areas such as Library, Art, Music, and Physical Education. Myrtle students can expect a challenging course load that is designed to help ease their transition to the middle school. Also, the school’s size allows for more individualized instruction and a more intimate learning environment.

Special Academic Programs:
Like all the district’s schools, Myrtle Avenue Elementary hosts a variety of programs to meet the wide-ranging needs of our students. Beyond the standard curriculum, Myrtle offers gifted classes, autistic support, emotional support, learning support, speech & language support, after-school tutoring program for Title 1 students, and English as a Second Language.

Key Activities & Events at Myrtle Avenue Elementary:
Myrtle Parent-Faculty Organization (PFO)
Kindergarten Orientation
PFO Book Fair
Curriculum Night
Fall Parade
Choral / Band Concerts
Myrtlepalooza Day
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Title 1 Celebration Night
Junior Achievement Day
Battle of the Books
Myrtle Elementary Daily Video Announcements

Click the image to watch Myrtle Avenue Elementary School's daily video announcements. 
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