Learner Profile

Learner Profile

About the Learner Profile

A Learner Profile is a document that a student creates together with building administrators, teachers, school counselors, and parents/guardians. The Learner Profile is driven by the individual student and, at Keystone Oaks, will be in the form of a Google Slides presentation that includes the student’s interests, strengths, challenges, and goals, as well as assessment data. 

The Learner Profile will:

  • Provide educators with data that will inform instructional planning, as well as academic and social supports that will benefit students. 

  • Offer students a way to develop agency and to reflect on their learning and progress throughout the school year. 

  • Engage families in the learning process by giving them a tool to better understand their child’s strengths, challenges, and interests. 

The Learner Profile is not graded and the implementation may look different in each building and at the various grade levels. In the video below, Keystone Oaks Superintendent Dr. William Stropkaj provides an overview of the Learner Profile at Keystone Oaks.

More information about the Learner Profile is included in this document: Learner Profile Communication.pdf and below the video. 

Learner Profile - Frequently Asked Questions

As outlined in the Keystone Oaks School District's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, one of the District's top priorities is to tailor learning for every student's strengths, needs, and interests while empowering student voice and choice in what, how, when and where they learn.

To meet this goal, the Keystone Oaks School District will implement a Learner Profile for all students during the 2022-2023 school year. Over the past two years, Keystone Oaks administrators, building principals, and teacher leaders have worked together to develop Keystone Oaks' Learner Profile and to develop a plan for how the Learner Profile will be utilized at the elementary and secondary levels. 

As we prepare to implement the Learner Profile, we have put together the following frequently asked questions to help all stakeholders understand what a Learner Profile is and how it will benefit students, educators and families. 

What is a Learner Profile?
A Learner Profile is a document that a student creates together with their teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents/guardians to reflect upon their learning. The teachers and the student build on their personalized portrait to establish learning goals and expectations. This tool allows teachers to better understand their students and provide learning opportunities that ensure their success.

What is the purpose of a Learner Profile?
All students have strengths, challenges, interests, talents and aspirations, as well as family, cultural, and community factors that impact their learning. A Learner Profile serves multiple purposes, including: 
  • Providing educators with data that can inform instructional planning as well as academic and social supports that would benefit students.
  • Offering students a way to develop agency and to reflect on their learning and progress throughout the school year.
  • Engaging families in the learning process by giving them a tool to better understand their child's strengths, challenges, and interests.  
How is a Learner Profile created and maintained?
At Keystone Oaks, the Learner Profile is a Google Slides presentation that will include a student's interests, strengths, challenges, goals, assessment data, and other information. 

Each student will have their own Learner Profile that can only be viewed by them, their teachers, their school counselor, their building principal, and their parent/guardian. Students will have access to this tool 24/7, giving them the opportunity to reflect on their learning anytime and anywhere.

Benefits for Students:
  • Allows learning to be student-centered
  • Allows students to track their progress throughout the year
  • Provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning
  • Encourages students to set academic and non-academic goals
  • Gives students options for demonstrating their learning
  • Provides a starting point for deeper and more responsive learning
  • Gives students options for how they access, engage with, and express their learning 
  • Enriches the student-teacher relationship to help students to learn better
Benefits for Educators:
  • Allows educators to better understand their students
  • Ensures that instructional planning is driven by data
  • Identifies potential barriers to learning, giving educators the opportunity to put academic and social supports in place
  • Maximizes engagement in the classroom as learning experiences are designed to meet students' interests and abilities
Benefits for Families:
  • Provides families with important information that may impact their child's learning and development
  • Encourages families and educators to develop a relationship that supports the student's learning and growth
  • Provides opportunities for families to be part of their child's learning
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