Keystone Oaks School District News Article

Keystone Oaks Selected to be Part of Learning 2025 Initiative: A National Push to Transform America’s Education System

In a bold effort toward a holistic redesign of our nation’s schools, Keystone Oaks School District has joined the Learning 2025 network of demonstration systems, a collaborative network of districts to help advance student-centered, equity-focused, future-driven education, administered by AASA, The School Superintendents Association.

 The more than 60 “demonstration systems” represent a collection of forward-leaning urban, suburban and rural districts serving as national models to help guide and reposition partner districts efficiently by sharing successful practices and successes, as well as challenges.


“I am proud of the work that our Board of School Directors, administrators, and teacher leaders have done over the past few years to develop both a new Strategic Plan as well as an Educational Equity Plan that will revitalize our educational programs to ensure that they are engaging, empowering and enriching our students,” said William Stropkaj, Superintendent. “AASA’s Learning 2025 program will be an invaluable resource in helping Keystone Oaks meet the goals outlined in these two plans.”  

“Our goal is to galvanize and synergize thought leaders from all sectors to emerge from the pandemic in better shape than they were before,” said Daniel A. Domenech, executive director, AASA. “This initiative will ensure that educators are empowered and equipped to meet whole learners’ needs by personalizing and customizing instruction involving students in designing their own learning and coordinating resources to support ALL children’s overall growth and well-being.”


The AASA Learning 2025: National Commission on Student-Centered, Equity-Focused, Future-Driven Education, recommended essential principles for school system redesign. The recommendations, which include the creation of demonstration districts, are found in the commission’s report, An American Imperative: A New Vision of Public Schools.


“This report contains a blueprint to empower school districts to design their plans and meet the specific needs of their learners, educators and communities,” said Kristi Wilson, 2020-21 president of AASA; superintendent, Buckeye Elementary School District, Buckeye, Ariz.; and one of the 27 Learning 2025 Commissioners. “Every district that commits to becoming a demonstration system will receive a personalized consultation and become part of a community of learners who help each other as ‘critical friends’ focused on student learning.”


An AASA Learning 2025 Demonstration System will:


  • Receive senior consulting services, personalized engagement and strategic planning support for their district.

  • Create a customized action plan tailored to meet the needs of their district.

  • Gain a customized dashboard to track their district's progress and provide real data to community stakeholders.

  • Take part in professional learning opportunities, including a complimentary registration to one of AASA's Leadership Network cohorts.

  • Contribute to national research, practice and policy.

  • Network, collaborate and learn with school systems that are committed to supporting the whole learner, ensuring anti-marginalization and adopting future-driven practices.

  • Move their district forward with research-based recommendations to provide all learners with a bright future.


“This work will be guided by thought leaders from business and industry who are ahead of the curve in terms of implementing innovative strategies and solutions that align to key components of Learning 2025 recommendations,” said Malbert Smith III, CEO, president and co-founder, MetaMetrics; creator of the Lexile and Quantile Frameworks; and Learning 2025 Commissioner. “The team will assist in identifying assessments that could be used to inform and bolster the district’s ability to achieve its priorities and goals for maximizing student achievement.”

A team of Keystone Oaks administrators and faculty will participate in various AASA Learning 2025 Network programs. Administrators will work with school leaders in western Pennsylvania and across the country to define priorities and challenges, review successful programs and policies, develop action plans, and will further engage community stakeholders. Locally, the Grable Foundation, under the leadership of Mr. Greg Behr, is collaborating with many other school districts in the region in this endeavor. Through this program, the District will strive to become more student-focused, equity-focused, and future-driven in providing programs and services to students in order for them to be successful in life beyond Keystone Oaks. 

To access An American Imperative: A New Vision of Public Schools, visit the AASA website. For additional information about the report or the Learning 2025: A National Commission on Student-Centered, Equity-Focused, Future-Driven Education, contact Mort Sherman, AASA associate executive director, Leadership Network, at [email protected], or Valerie Truesdale, AASA assistant executive director, at [email protected].


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