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9/28 Middle School Update
Behavioral Expectations - The following are expectations the building principal and teachers have for the students of KOMS when they are learning in the virtual environment from home:
  1. Be dressed for the day by 7:30 in school-appropriate attire.
  2. Attend in-person on your assigned hybrid days, if you are in the option #1 group.
  3. Be located in an environment that is conducive to learning (e.g. not in bed, aware of your surroundings, etc.).
  4. Maintain school-appropriate avatars and backgrounds.
  5. Plan to limit restroom visits to between class periods (unless there is an emergency)
  6. Arrive on time and remain actively engaged during synchronous instruction and asynchronous assignment completion.
  7. Turn your microphones and videos on/off according to your teachers' directions.
  8. Be present and actively engaged during remote learning.
  9. Failure to respond when asked to participate may result in both academic and behavioral consequences.
  10. Adhere to all school rules as outlined in the Code of Conduct. For example:
    1. Using any type of inappropriate language, whether verbal or written, will be treated as a violation of the Code of Conduct (defiance, bullying/harassment, etc.).
    2. Refusing to turn the microphone/video on will be treated as a violation of the Code of Conduct (defiance).
Attendance code descriptions
V - Present Virtual; A hybrid student that stays home on an in-person day but logs into Google
Meets and completes assignments for the day

VTU - Virtual Tardy Unexcused; Student logs in late to school when working from home - No Excuse      

VTE - Virtual Tardy Excused; Student logs in late to school when working from home - With Excuse

EXC - Excused Absence; Parent note submitted within three days of absence

ILL - Illegal Absence; No parent note submitted after three days

MED - Legal Medical; Doctor’s note submitted within three days of absence

TE - Tardy Excused; In-person student late to school – With a note

TU - Tardy Unexcused; In-person student late to school – No note

TM - Medical Tardy; Both in-person and virtual – With doctor’s note

ED - Early Dismissal; Both in-person and virtual – With parent note

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the expectations regarding daily attendance?
Homeroom starts at 7:35 this year. When in-person at school please make sure to be at school no later than 7:30 so you are not marked tardy. All at-home students must be present and logged in to homeroom at 7:35.
You must be present for your classes in order to be successful at KOMS.
The teacher has professional discretion regarding student attendance and participation in their virtual classroom. The teacher will communicate attendance and participation expectations with their students.
A student will be marked Illegal Absence (ILL) if a student does not attend class on the assigned hybrid day.
Teachers will document if a student arrives late to remote learning (or if a student leaves early) without appropriate documentation.

What if I want to attend school remotely on a day that I'm supposed to report in-person?
A student who is scheduled to attend school in-person on his/her assigned hybrid day (Golden or Eagle) is encouraged to attend but if they are feeling sick or other issues occur, they may attend school virtually that day. A Virtual (V) code will be used to indicate that the student was home learning instead of in school. It is important for the parent to email the homeroom teacher and office administrative assistant ([email protected]) to verify this change for the day.

What if I have a family or educational trip? Can I attend school remotely?
Students are expected to attend school on their in-person day. If there is a scheduled family trip, educational trips, etc. prior approval of the trip should be obtained from the building principal so that the absence is properly coded. This documentation is also necessary for virtual learning students.

What happens if I don’t attend class remotely but had a doctor’s appointment or other approved absence?
If a student does not attend a class when learning remotely, his/her parent or guardian will need to provide the office with an excuse for missing class within three days of the absence. Otherwise, the student will be marked absent from class. A parent should email the homeroom teacher and office administrative assistant or fax (412-571-6092) a doctor’s note to excuse the absence.

What if I have a doctor’s appointment in the middle of the day. How do I get an early dismissal?
A parent should email the homeroom teacher and office administrative assistant or fax (412-571-6092) a note with the time leaving for the appointment and the time returning. This is for all students, whether virtually or in-person. Please email or fax the doctor’s excuse to the office for documentation.

Where do go if need extra help or assistance with my classes?
Every day each student has an Access/Study Resource period in which they can ask questions of their teachers when in-person or virtual. If you are learning from home, email the teacher that you need assistance and they will respond back with a time they can meet or provide you with their Google Meet code in order to meet virtually. More information will be coming concerning after-school tutoring for middle school students.

What materials do students need to bring with them to school every day?
6th Grade
All Classes: Device, pencil, earbuds
ELA: Close Reader Workbook, two notebooks, and Grammar Packet
Math: Workbook, notebook/binder
Science: Orange workbook, reading essentials book, binder, and “Mask Break Packet” (every other day)
Social Studies: “Mask Break Packet’ (They will be told in advance if they need to bring their book) (every other day)

7th Grade
All Classes: Device - Chromebook
ELA: Close reader, pencil, notebooks (2)
History: Paper/pen or pencil
Math: Workbook (Dietrich), notebook, pencil
Science: Workbook, pencil (every other day)

8th Grade
All Class: Device - Chromebook
ELA: Close reader
History: Paper/pen or pencil
Math: Workbook and calculator
Science: Workbook (every other day)